Friday, October 16, 2009


So again, here I sit recovering....trying to set up this blog. Technology is so advanced. I still wonder who really wants to read a blog belonging to me, however I continue on :) It's amazing how we can keep in contact with people all over the world with just a click of the keys. I have friends that have moved to Arizona, Florida, up north Wisconsin that I can locate and "talk" to in moments. I can see pictures of their families, find out about their work, health and feelings in just minutes. The nay-sayers report that we are not "communicating" like we should be. I say that this is not a true statement. I know more about these friends via modern technology then when they lived here, worked here and I communicated verbally with them on a daily basis. So even though we aren't talking per se, we sure are keeping in contact with these friends aren't we? I am at home on sick/injured leave and find myself blogging. Something I never thought I would do. I mean really! Does one care what I have to say (type?)